Cinnamon Ornaments
You Will Need:
1 c. applesauce
1 1/2 c. cinnamon
ground cloves or other dry spices *optional
Bakers twine or string for hanging
cookie cutters
wax paper
rolling pin
non-stick mat or parchment paper
skewer or pencil for punching holes
(A straw works perfectly!)
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Mix the ingredients well until all the cinnamon is incorporated. Roll out between waxed paper and cut shapes with cookie cutters. Poke holes in each ornament before baking.
Bake for around 2 hours or until hard and dry. Turn off the oven and leave overnight to completely cure.
String the ornaments with Baker's twine, hang and enjoy the smell of cinnamon for weeks and years to come!