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 Differences of opinion

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Posts : 180
Join date : 2012-06-24
Age : 51
Location : California, USA

Differences of opinion Empty
PostSubject: Differences of opinion   Differences of opinion EmptyTue Jan 15, 2013 4:38 am

My hubby and I have VERY different opinions on some parenting issues- and some, I'm sorry to put it this way, I just plain out rank him. He has only been in the picture for just up on 4 years- I'm sorry, I think I know better what is best for the teenager I have been SOLE parent to for 16 years! It is so hard to relinquish ANY control, but I try. And then we hit a wall on something I refuse to budge about. For example, he feels like she's 16 and needs to know what the world is like and have a dose of reality because "No body out there gives a ****, she needs to know that". Ummmm, but I DO! I feel like she doesn't need that kind of stuff at home, and needs to be loved and nurtured and know that we'll always be here for her, no matter what. This argument goes from anything like her paying for her own drivers test and insurance on the car (Which I mostly agree with) down to me making her a cup of tea- yes, TEA, we argue about TEA. "No one's going to wait on her hand and foot, stop doing things for her". I do not jump up and do every little thing for her. She does her own laundry, cleans her own room, etc- she has daily chores she does here, pus helps out with the tiny ones. How is it hurting her for me to make her a cup of tea every now and then, or fix her lunch? My opinion is that it's not. So I keep doing it. I know that in some way this is undermining his parenting with her- and I have a sneaking suspicion that we'll have the exact same stand off when the tinies get older. What to do, other than stick to my guns?
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